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Building Rock-solid character, integrity, and faithfulness.

We believe there is a crisis of godly male servant-leadership in our world.  We have a long way to go, but we are making a start to do our part to address that crisis.

Description – Mission – Philosophy – Purpose – Vision 

Wives need godly men of character and integrity to be faithful husbands.
Children need godly men of character and integrity to be faithful fathers.
Churches need godly men of character and integrity to be faithful ministers.
Businesses need godly men of character and integrity to be faithful managers.
Governments need godly men of character and integrity to be faithful authorities.
Societies need godly men of character and integrity to be faithful roll models.
Men need other godly men of character and integrity for accountability and mentoring.


Regularly Scheduled Meetings


Men’s Fellowship
Meeting in one of our men’s homes, the Men’s Fellowship is a place for the men of the church to meet together to encourage one another in our Christian walk (sometimes while shooting some pool, playing table tennis, or watching a game).  In the past, in addition to the Bible, the men of the church have studied and/or recommend:
“Every Man’s Battle” by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker
“Wild At Heart” by John Eldredge
“For Men Only” by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn


Occasional Events


Occasionally, men just need to share a meal together after a Sunday Worship Service with no other agenda besides fun and friendship.  Check the weekly bulletin for times and locations to be announced.  (Yes we are lazy and just copied this from the Women’s Ministries, Ladies-n-Lunch).

Mens Ministry: Service
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